Variobend Neubau


We are expanding! Another company building will be constructed on our premises in the industrial park at Pfaffenfeld II in Bischofswiesen. The new building will consist of a state-of-the-art production hall, spacious offices and a new showroom where the latest Variobend and Slinet innovations will be presented. A glass skywalk will connect the existing building with the new one.

Variobend Gebäude

Everything is still quiet


Our current company building is still standing alone, but the first excavators will be arriving shortly.

Variobend Neubau
Variobend Gebäude

Everything ist still quiet

BAUTAGEBUCH – 21.09.2023

Our current company building is still standing alone, but the first excavators will be arriving shortly

Groundbreaking ceremony at the foot of the Untersberg mountain


We are full of excitement. Together with members of the Goldbeck company, our two managing directors Sylvio and Robert Matthäß gave the starting signal for the construction of our new building.

Groundbreaking ceremony at the foot of the Untersberg mountain


We are full of excitement. Together with members of the Goldbeck company, our two managing directors Sylvio and Robert Matthäß gave the starting signal for the construction of our new building.

Things are slowly moving forward…

BAUTAGEBUCH – 23.02.2024

Work is progressing with concentrated excavator power. The first outlines of the future building are slowly becoming visible.

Things are slowly moving forward…

BAUTAGEBUCH – 23.02.2024

Work is progressing with concentrated excavator power. The first outlines of the future building are slowly becoming visible.

Things are progressing quickly

BAUTAGEBUCH – 14.03.2024

Thanks to the perfect harmony between man and machine, a dense forest of pillars was created in a very short time.

Things are progressing quickly

BAUTAGEBUCH – 14.03.2024

Thanks to the perfect harmony between man and machine, a dense forest of pillars was created in a very short time.


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