Variobend automation

The next level of efficiency. With Variobend’s innovative automation solution, profile production is now made even more efficient, with a focus on user-friendliness and optimal use of employee resources.

The automation of production processes is becoming increasingly relevant for small and medium-sized companies. Due to the ever-increasing shortage of skilled workers, it is becoming more and more important to make effective use of one‘s employees. Variobend Automation offers an intelligent and at the same time cost-efficient solution in this respect. The combination of Slinet or another slitting and cut-to-length machine and a Variobend Up and Down Folder with side feed makes it possible to automate the entire production
process from sheet cut to the finished profile to the maximum. The movable, smart working table represents an innovation in the industry. Here, a wide variety of jobs with different width and lengths can be processed directly from the slitting line without prior manual sorting. The table is monitored with the help of the integrated camera system. In addition, the integrated scanner automatically selects the appropriate sheet blanks and then feeds them directly into the Up and Down Folder.

Variobend 4.0 - Solutions de logiciel

Les marchés sont soumis à un changement constant. Cela conduit à une complexité toujours plus accrue des produits et des processus, y compris dans le domaine du traitement des tôles. Des solutions efficaces, très souples et avant tout conviviales sont demandées. Les solutions de logiciel d’ASCO vous aident à obtenir le contrôle de ces enjeux et cela en réduisant en plus les dépenses. La fabrication en réseau réduit le risque d’erreur et augmente la profitabilité.


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Variobend automation

Variobend automation

The next level of efficiency. With Variobend’s innovative automation solution, profile production is now made even more efficient, with a focus on user-friendliness and optimal use of employee resources.

The automation of production processes is becoming increasingly relevant for small and medium-sized companies. Due to the ever-increasing shortage of skilled workers, it is becoming more and more important to make effective use of one‘s employees. Variobend Automation offers an intelligent and at the same time cost-efficient solution in this respect. The combination of Slinet or another slitting and cut-to-length machine and a Variobend Up and Down Folder with side feed makes it possible to automate the entire production
process from sheet cut to the finished profile to the maximum. The movable, smart working table represents an innovation in the industry. Here, a wide variety of jobs with different width and lengths can be processed directly from the slitting line without prior manual sorting. The table is monitored with the help of the integrated camera system. In addition, the integrated scanner automatically selects the appropriate sheet blanks and then feeds them directly into the Up and Down Folder.


Variobend 4.0 - Solutions de logiciel

Les marchés sont soumis à un changement constant. Cela conduit à une complexité toujours plus accrue des produits et des processus, y compris dans le domaine du traitement des tôles. Des solutions efficaces, très souples et avant tout conviviales sont demandées. Les solutions de logiciel d’ASCO vous aident à obtenir le contrôle de ces enjeux et cela en réduisant en plus les dépenses. La fabrication en réseau réduit le risque d’erreur et augmente la profitabilité.


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Variobend automation
The next level of efficiency

The automation of production processes is becoming increasingly relevant for small and medium-sized companies. Due to the ever-increasing shortage of skilled workers, it is becoming more and more important to make effective use of one‘s employees.


Variobend – Plieuse à tablier long
Série modèle EB

Le modèle de série Variobend EB convainc par sa polyvalence grâce à son système de pliage breveté. Il réunit la meilleure qualité, un utilisation simple avec un rapport qualité-prix attractif. Découvrez-en plus sur l’innovation dans le domaine des machines-outils de pliage de tablier.

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